Monday, July 1, 2013

Ed Kashi Eyes in Progress Workshop

I just completed a wonderful Eyes in Progress workshop in Paris with Ed Kashi. The theme of the four-day workshop was Visual Storytelling. It was organized by Véronique Sutra and included ten participants from around the world - Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the United States. Every morning Ed would talk about his approach to storytelling, which includes still images, video and audio. He also discussed how photojournalism has evolved over the years and his approach to advocacy work and the use of social media. All of the participants showed portfolios of their work on the first day and then selected a project to photograph during the workshop. I chose to continue working on my Metro project, which appropriately began in Paris six years ago, and I'm delighted to have been able to capture additional images for this body of work.

Metro Line 6 near Concorde, Paris - 2013 

Ed reviewed everyone’s work on a daily basis and provided valuable insights. He then helped everyone edit and sequence their images on the final day of the workshop. We all made tremendous progress over the course of these intense four days, and we also managed to have a great deal of fun. Thanks so much to Ed for his inspiring teaching, to Véronique for her amazing care in organizing the workshop, to Niko for his assistance and to all my new friends and fellow participants.
Update: All of the participants interviews, portfolios and professional reviews are now on the Eyes In Progress website, including the review of my portfolio by Pauline Vermare of the International Center of Photography.


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