Thursday, June 11, 2009

Center for Fine Art Photography Portfolio Showcase Vol 3

Twelve images from my series La Gente de Oaxaca have been selected for the Portfolio ShowCase Volume 3: Book and Online Exhibition at The Center for Fine Art Photography. I am one of fifteen photographers selected from nearly 250 artists by the juror Stella Kramer for this unique exhibition. All selected portfolios will be on display at from June 5 - Sept 5, 2009. A book of all 15 artists' images will be released in August 2009 by the Center for Fine Art Photography.

Hombre con Escalara de Mano - Man with ladder

Stella Kramer is a Pulitzer Prize-winning photo editor who has worked more than 15 years with such top publications as The New York Times, Newsweek and People magazine. In her juror’s statement she said, “Creating a cohesive body of work is the photographer’s challenge. Having a singular vision is more than choosing a genre or style. It is the benchmark of a serious photographer. And being able to edit one’s own work to choose the perfect images that give form to a fully realized portfolio is even more difficult. It is a challenge for artists to be able to be objective about their own work. Yet in this competition I was struck by how well these challenges were met, with strong and consistent work throughout. Each portfolio met the criteria I believe makes a portfolio, and makes it memorable: personal commitment to the subject chosen, perfect choice of medium, and fully realized ideas. . . . Stan Raucher’s black and white portraits of Oaxaca are the family albums of a Mexican town . . . All the work showed deeply thought out personal visions that spoke to me. . . . The variety and unique portfolios of the fifteen chosen entries was an unexpected delight and proof to me that regardless of what is happening in our economy or our industry, great photography is alive and well across this country.”

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Art/Not Terminal Photo Show

Angels - Ángeles

Art/Not Terminal Gallery is located at 2045 Westlake Ave, Seattle, WA 98121.  Gallery hours are Mon-Sat 11:00am - 6:00pm and Sunday 12:00pm - 5:00pm.  Phone 206 233 0680